shineThe first half of the 20th century gave birth to a great deal of musical styles which would be the bases for all modern music.

What was at first folklore, the voice of people and racial pride, would develop till reach the category of art. Blues, jazz, tango and swing were born and grew up in America and Europe, and each style took its way, similar but distinctive.

Shine came to life in Barcelona, as a result of the meeting between Hernan Senra (Chino), Albert Bello and Ivan Kovacevic, coming from Argentina, Spain and Serbia respectively.
Together, in every performance, they know how to make the audience feel the same passion which gives rhythm to their hearts.

“Shine” is a synonym of swing: an elegant, sincere, warm and peculiar swing, able to bring to mind in a surprisingly natural way the sound of a magic era in which music was the main character in radios, clubs and dance rooms. This album is an example of authenticity, energy and complicity between three musicians who can do sincerely what they love…

The band is born in 2006 inspired by the music of artists like Django Reihardt and Oscar Alemán. Now SHiNE have their own sound, making the audience vibrate in every show.

SHINE (2009)



Just a little swing (2013)

 just a little swing