100 YEARS – Tribute to Robert Johnson

Robert Leroy Johnson lived 27 intense and agitated years and recorded 29 tracks that marked the history of the blues. Incarnates like no one to the errant bluesman, quarrelsome, elegant, brilliant and womanizer.
His death in a Greewood’s gambling halls, still wrapped in mystery and speculation. But it was his legendary pact with the devil in the crossroads of 61 and 49, which turned it into a myth and catapulted the country of legends.
His special way of handling his voice and guitar, and his legendary aureole, made him the universal icon of the blues, that music that took its first steps when little Robert came to the world, a hundred years ago.
Taking advantage of this anniversary Hernán Senra “Chino” has set out to pay homage to one of its historical references. This disc recorded a 16 of August (day of his death) contains 13 of the 29 subjects recorded by Robert Johnson. In this adventure is accompanied by Rod Deville to the double bass, Marti Elías to the drums, and the collaborations of Victor Puertas in the harmonica and Albert Bello in the ukulele.
Leaving the lane, bordering the shoulder and avoiding the resource of trying to copy note to note, “Chino” interpret to the master, just as in the moment did those who electrified Delta music during the first half of the twentieth century.
Keeping the essence, but appropriating the themes and impregnating them with their character, “Chino” delights us with a record that simply knows Blues … (M.L.Poy)

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